Chronicles of Nonny (A Grandma "Feeling the Burn")
by Sandra Carol Mers Clayton on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 8:22pm ·
This is only the second day and I move with difficulty. STIFF difficulty. If "feeling the burn", as it's said for exercising, is good for you - when is the GOOD gonna start????
Committing to join an exercise class at this late stage in life might have been a mistake. My doctor tells me "do it" - it's good for the diabetes, the arthritis, the fibromyalgia, for losing weight. My kids tell me "do it, Mom" - it's good for the diabetes, the arthritis, the fibromyalgia, for losing weight. My husband tells me "do it", Sandy - it's good for the diabetes, the arthritis, the fibromyalgia, for losing weight - and "you'll soon get used to it." Yeah, right.
What no one was telling me is that it's gonna HURT. Like, PAIN. And STIFFNESS. All of which I have already been experiencing. Who needs more? According to my "friends" (?), I do. Well, they don't tell me I NEED the pain, but they tell me: "It will get better. Pretty soon you'll be used to it. Keep it up." Well, maybe the second day isn't the time to give it up; I'll give it some more time. If I can still drag myself out of the bed in the morning.
You need to understand that I have been out of the practice of arising early for some years now; especially since the morning stiffness and pain became worse. This exercise class is a MORNING thing and MORNING things are not "my thing". Now, however, I have committed to doing a "morning thing". My brain must have still been asleep when I did that. For some of you, I know, nine o'clock isn't exactly early, but for me these past years ................. :(
"Why am I doing this?", I ask myself. Well? Why AM I doing this? To regain my 21-year-old-figure-that-I-never-thought-I-had-at-21 (I look at photos of me at 21 and see that I actually DID have that figure even though I didn't think so at the time!)? No, that's not why I am doing this. It would certainly be nice to have that figure again, but I don't see it happening. If I can keep this up I might lose weight, but I don't see the sags and bags going away, leaving me my 21-year-old-look again. So, why am I doing this? For two reasons: (1) for myself, my health and (2) for my family ... my husband, my kids, my grandkids - I wanta be around as long as possible with them, in as good a health as I can have. I am seriously asking God to help me keep up the exercise, for those reasons. Seriously.
Right now I may go pop an aspirin in my mouth, or not. I'll think about it. I will try encouraging myself to plan on sliding out of that bed in the morning, no matter how the body feels or how slow it is moving. I don't have any "fancy" or expensive exercise clothes to put on, though I did buy some nicer, better-fitting tennis shoes today. I will wear what I have to wear, at the moment; I will go and exercise in the morning. Again. Third day. I will go. I will. I will. I will.
The "Chronicles of Nonny" WILL continue ............................

No fancy exercise duds, but ...

"I will continue, I will continue, I will ..."

The old shoes ... will the new ones help me stay in sync with everyone else?
Coucou Sandra ! Je viens de lire (ou plutôt essayer !) ce que tu as écrit sur tes exercices à faire ..... Mon mari est à son travail, et le traducteur en ligne est assez mauvais ! Quant à mon Anglais il est encore plus mauvais, mais je pense avoir compris que tu dois faire des exercices le matin pour tes problèmes de santé, et que ça te demande beaucoup de motivation ! Je n'ai pas tes problèmes, j'ai beaucoup de douleurs liées à l'arthrose, et mes os ne sont pas solides du tout, alors, il me faudrait faire des exercices régulièrement ... Je suis paresseuse. Et surtout le matin, mon corps est endolori mais endormi (comme mon cerveau !) Alors, je vais penser à toi en me levant chaque jour je me dirai : si Sandra le fait tu dois le faire parce que tu vas mieux qu'elle ! Je ne promets pas que je le ferai tous les jours mais je vais essayer. Courage Sandra ! Tu as raison, pour ton mari, tes enfants et petits-enfants, et pour toi aussi - le Seigneur aime que nous fassions attention à notre corps !!! Je t'embrasse.