Tuesday, October 25, 2011

For all my readers close enough to attend:

Mark your calendars NOW for a fun get-in-the-Christmas-spirit day:

Saturday / December 3rd.
Time:  9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.

1022 North Plum St.
in the gym at the Wellington Baptist Temple church

for information/directions:  620-326-3255

Everyone welcome to come by and have a fun day hearing the Christmas music, drinking some free coffee/tea - buying some of the yummy food available (BBQ, cinnamon rolls, etc). Stroll through the vendors' booths with your coffee or tea - or sit at a table and relax with your drink and/or food.  Come by yourself or, better yet, get together a group of friends to come and enjoy the time together.

Our Christmas Market will be large enough for you to find a variety of homemade and handmade quality items
and small enough to be fun and "home-y"... you will have time and space to roam and visit and relax as you shop.

We will also be collecting an entrance "fee" (completely voluntary") of a can or box of non-perishable food and/or a toy for the food pantry and toys-for-some-kids who might not get any for Christmas.  We have the opportunity to shop for gifts for our friends and families,  as well as share with others who might need some help for Christmas ..... what better way, than sharing, to start the Christmas celebration?

SO.............. MARK THE DATE ON THOSE CALENDARS!  :)  See you there.